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發布時間:2019-12-20    瀏覽數:
(2019年12月20日,/HRoot.com/)近日,為了提供最佳的解決方案來賦能員工,結合領英在人才招聘市場上的獨特優勢,微軟計劃在四個關鍵領域重新調整Dynamics 365的人力資源技術路線圖和合作夥伴投資:

l 員工體驗轉型:以現代化、移動化、混合現實和自助服務的經驗賦能員工,使他們能夠在無需人力資源幹預的情況下進行信息訪問、指導性學習和任務執行。

l 優化人力資源項目:通過優化福利、薪酬、休假和缺勤、認證和培訓、合規性以及薪酬計劃來改善人員操作係統。

l 提高組織敏捷性:隨著業務變革,員工可以通過易於調整、擴展和連接到當前係統的可適應、安全和可擴展的HR解決方案來幫助自身發展。

l 增強員工洞察力:集中人力資源數據,以獲取由微軟領先的商業智能和AI技術提供的有洞察力的人員分析和指導。

為此,從2020年2月1日開始,微軟將當前的人力資源核心功能重命名為“Dynamics 365 Human Resources”,該功能致力於幫助人力資源管理者創建數據驅動型項目以改善員工體驗。2019年10月,微軟宣布了對FourVision和Elevate HR戰略解決方案進行投資,以在休假、考勤以及福利管理方麵加快HR運營創新。這些新功能將於2020年初推廣。

Dynamics 365 HR將為員工提供所需的人力資源洞察,內容涉及薪酬、福利、休假和缺勤、合規性、薪酬包、績效反饋、培訓和認證以及自助服務計劃,以建立數據驅動型員工體驗。Dynamics 365 Human Resources將連接員工和運營數據,以確保企業可以優化成本並更好地支持員工。

Building a more successful workforce with Dynamics 365 Human Resources

(Dec.20, 2019, /microsoft.com/)Microsoft delivers solutions that enable businesses to build winning teams and create a workplace where people can succeed. To help ensure we are providing the very best solutions to empower employees, and as we look at LinkedIn’s unique strengths in the talent acquisition market, we plan to refocus our HR technology roadmap and partnership investments for Dynamics 365 across four key areas:

l Transforming employee experiences: Empowering employees with modern, mobile, mixed reality, self-service experiences that enable information access, guided learning, and task execution without requiring intervention from HR.

l Optimizing HR programs: Improving people operations with optimized benefits, compensation, leave and absence, certifications and training, compliance, and payroll programs.

l Improving organizational agility: Helping people thrive as the business changes with adaptable, secure, and scalable HR solutions that are easy to tailor, extend, and connect to current systems.

l Enabling workforce insights: Centralizing HR data to get insightful people analytics and guidance delivered by Microsoft’s leading business intelligence and AI technology.

As part of this, starting February 1, 2020, our current core HR capabilities will be renamed Dynamics 365 Human Resources. The new name reflects our commitment to helping HR professionals create data-driven programs that improve the employee experience. In October, we announced our investments in the rights to strategic solutions from FourVision and Elevate HR to accelerate HR operations innovation within leave and absence, time and attendance, and benefits administration. These new capabilities will begin rolling out within Dynamics 365 Human Resources in early 2020.

Dynamics 365 Human Resources will provide the workforce insights needed to build data-driven employee experiences across compensation, benefits, leave and absence, compliance, payroll integrations, performance feedback, training and certification, and self-service programs. Dynamics 365 Human Resources will connect people and operations data to ensure businesses can optimize workforce costs and take better care of employees.


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